Friday, January 04, 2008

Hooray I'm at it again

This time blogging live from Street Level Cafe on Abbeygate Street. I am actually working so can't be blamed for skiving. It's great to be out and about again and I've just enjoyed a fab toasted tea-cake and a mug of coffee. is a great life. Have a great day everyone.


Jo Beaufoix said...

Mmmmm. Toasted tea cake. Must get some.
Happy New Year sweetie. And I'm tagging you. Stop by my place later if you get chance. :D

Charlotte Howard said...

I do miss that non-Atkins daily tea-time treat (at home).

Say hello to owners Mr & Mrs Richard Bird and tell them I spoke uop for them re the creperie!

Florries Mum said...

Is that you-know-who with you? And we all thought she was 'back at work' Ha Ha

Her indoors said...

Hi Jo - it was lovely and just what I needed. I've popped over and spotted the tag and will get onto it asap. ;-D

Hi Paul - surely one won't hurt :-D. The owners were there today and we had a good chat about all sorts of things.

Hi florries-mum - now that would be telling ;-D As far as I am aware, she has gone back to work. LOL

Her indoors said...

Eh Barb - I don't know who you are and even though I welcome all my visitors I do not welcome those who just visit to spam my blog. That's the polite response. Thank you.

Charlotte Howard said...

Wow 21CM, it was a spam too. Perhaps you should delete before we all make too much money...?

Her indoors said...

Hi Paul - I thought about deleting it, but I decided to keep it there as an example of how spammers can appear all innocent. This is one of the more obvious ones. There is another one on the Postcard from London....see if you can guess which one it is...'>Postcard from London

Charlotte Howard said...

Couldn't get anything with that address 21CM - hope it wasn't a spam from me!

Funnily enough I did get the following today which I assume is a spam. My computer warned me it might be a phishing message so don't open anything. Can anyone translate?

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

grumpyoldwoman said...

I tried to translate it for you and got this 'your query looks similar to automated requests from a computer virus or spyware application. To protect our users, we can't process your request right now.' - my advise Paul is to delete it poste-haste!

Her indoors said...

Hi Paul - It's probably easier for you to look at the Postcard list on the sidebar and click on the London link. And it isn't you.

Great service Grumps....and I agree, better delete it.