Saturday, September 29, 2007


MarkG commented the other day that Starbucks was launching Wi-Fi Friday....which meant for just ONE day, you could log onto their Wi-Fi facilities for FREE!

Well....big news Starbucks, in Bury St Edmunds you can use Wi-Fi in three other town centre venues for free EVERYDAY!!!!!!!

Shucks, I missed Starbucks' FREE offer...because it was yesterday and today is Saturday...Damn, a bit late...or so they think!

Guess where I am blogging FOR FREE from today at 9.02am in Bury St Edmunds....

Starbucks of course...

I guess being an international is still Friday somewhere in the world.

So get in here before lunchtime and see if you too can blag a free Wi-Fi session....


Continue to support LOCAL businesses in Bury....

....and that don't even have to put up with Blogger suddenly turning into German all over....

Over and out....21st CM


ADDENDUM...I spotted a certain celebrity going into the loo at Starbucks, immediately after I blogged this post....

More about that another time. In the meantime, I am open to's one clue...he was short with grey hair.


Erica Douglas said...

Hi, how do you find out where the wi-fi areas are?

MarkG said...

I think that blogger is wobbling a bit at the moment - I'm seeing german in a few places on it!

Her indoors said...

Hi Erica, there are a few websites which show wi-fi areas. The one that I have found recently is:

Hi Markg - Das is richtig - blogger is definitely wobbling. German elements have been popping up for a while and suddenly it seemed to rectify itself again. However Saturday was very funny as the whole of Blogger was German and so was Google. A friend of mine has exactly the same experience in a Hilton hotel which also routed through Germany ;-D

Christina S said...

I don't think my German's good enough to use the wi-fi in there then. May stick with your other 3 recommendations!

Jo Beaufoix said...

Was it Penfold from Dangermouse?

Anonymous said...

Was oit Frank Warby? ;)

Christina S said...

Nigella, ha ha ha ha ha ha, toooo funny!

Her indoors said...

Hi Jo...not bad...

Nigella...I saw hoim on Satoirday as nearly there, but he was off into Neros and not Starbucks...

You have to pay a visit to Ruby's Living in Bury St Edmunds blog to see the real celebrity and the reality of the situation ;-D