Monday, February 09, 2009

The Last Post

This is a peculiar post to write.

In fact the title gives it away.

"The Last Post"

There's no getting away from it. Indeed it is. Well around here anyway.

After two years of blogging about pre-schoolers and young kids, I've arrived at the realisation that they're growing up and are preparing to leave me home alone.

One day soon, they'll go to school kissing their Mummy and come home shouting "Mum".

But I'm not sad.

Because while they are changing, I am too.

And I'm about to start a new adventure.

This may be my last post here, but it won't be my last post ever.

You see, I've got a new chart the next chapter in the life and times of 21st Century Mummy...except I'm changing my name... to Almost Mrs Average. In fact some of you might recognise it as my alter-ego which I've been using for some time.

So I'd like to thank you all for sticking around over the last few years and joining in the tears and the laughter. In this very short time many of you have become really good friends and I have truly appreciated your company. I just hope you will follow me to my new blog, where I promise there'll be lots more fun.

Here's a glimpse of what you can expect. Just click on the image and come and say hello.

Remember, it's not really goodbye. It's just au revoir. xxx

Hope to see you soon at


Tim Atkinson said...

Well, thanks for the memory (as Hubert Greg used to say). See you later, with or without hair!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing you with less hair!

Anonymous said...

Congrats and goodbye!! See you on the other page! Love you X

Jo Beaufoix said...

Au Revoir lovely. See you over at Don't Pull Your Hair Out. x

Layla said...

Aww, so this is what you had in mind, hmm...? ;)

Interesting!! :)