Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy Mondays

It's a rainy Monday in Suffolk, but I'm feeling a happy bunny this morning in a zippadee-doodah kind of way.

Not only have I got a man in the kitchen cleaning my oven but the lovely Tara Cain over at Coventry Telegraph has invited me to do a guest feature on her excellent blog From Dawn till Rusk.

If you're not already bored of reading about the book deal, pop over to Tara's blog for the inside story and when you're finished, have a gander at some of her other posts.

And if you're wondering about the man cleaning my oven, don't worry, this doesn't happen every day. Just a once-in-a-while special treat.


Ladybird World Mother said...

Well done you! Not just for writing a book but for getting the oven cleaned. Not sure which one I am most impressed by.
No, seriously, its so good to hear how someone has done what you have.
Looking forward to getting the book when its out. Brilliant idea. I have large family and we fight week by week to keep the bin levels down.

Welsh Girl said...

There are men who know how to clean ovens? You know how to get hold of them? Holy Mackerel!

Millennium Housewife said...

Can you send Lesser Spotted Man Oven Cleaner over to mine please? MH

Her indoors said...

Thanks LWM. Book should be out next summer. Seems ages away now but it will soon whizz by. If you don't fancy waiting for the book and you want to start practicing slimming that bin, pop over to The Rubbish Diet and have a look through the archives. It's full of laughs, gaffs and bizarre discoveries, which seem normal now but a real learning curve back then. And give us a shout if you've got a question or two :-D

LOL, Welsh know, he just turned up one day, knocked on the door and said...I'm in the neighbourhood soon and I wondered if you need your oven cleaning. I didn't even ask how much. I just thought I should confess how long it had been left for :-D

Hee hee MH - oh how I love that photo. OvenClean's the name and cleaning ovens is their game and a fine job they do of it too. :-D

Vodka Mom said...

red rover, red rover,
send the oven man right over.

only if he's hot!!!


Her indoors said...

LOL Vodka Mom: There'll be one lucky mum (or dad, of course) at our school. I've blagged a free oven clean as a prize in our Christmas raffle :-D