Thursday, May 17, 2007

Charge your batteries while blogging

It's really easy to excite this 21st Century Mummy if you've got the right eco gadget! I love eco friendly products as long as they have got a real use! I'm not really into gadgets that just add to consumer clutter. For me to spend good money on an eco product, it has to be something special that will has been recycled or can save money, energy, reduce waste and can be used again (and again and again).

Anyway, I found something that really caught my attention last week when I was browsing Nigel's Eco Store. There are some excellent products on there that make great presents and the one that really grabbed my attention was the USB AA battery, which I ordered and which arrived today. It's so easy peasy. You just take the cap off and plug them into the USB port in your PC.

How brillant is that! I know the old adage "simple things please simple minds", but often the simple things are those that count most.


Anonymous said...

Hi again
what Nigel's website please, 21st Century Mummy - ? Sounds like its worth a a look......!

Her indoors said...

Hi Baba - yep they've got excellent stuff. Don't buy the batteries though as I've already got some for Mr Baba for his birthday.

I've got a link to Nigel's Eco Store in my links. If you click on it and order, I get some commission - yippee. All helps for me to keep my Portfolio :-)